Document Type : Original Article


1 Jaypee University of Engineering Technology, Guna, India.

2 Department of Mathematics, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Raghogarh, Guna, India.


Energy, a necessary component of the invention, has negative externalities on the health of humans and the environment due to its production and use, which hinders national growth. For this reason, countries should act with two main motivations when choosing energy sources. The first should be economic development by considering the increase in production and efficiency supplied by the source of energy, and the second should be to choose energy resources that will promote the welfare of the people. In this study, conventional and renewable energy sources for the long-term growth of India's energy sector are assessed from a variety of viewpoints, including technical, economic, environmental, and social criteria. In the choice model, the thermal, solar, wind, biomass, and hydro energy options are employed as alternatives. In this study, suitable energy sources are selected for India with the help of the Entropy method and the WASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment) method. And, the relevance of environmental, technical, social, and economic aspects of renewable sources of energy is assessed and in the second step, a proposal has been made about which renewable energy source can be suitable to meet the energy requirement in India through the WASPAS technique. From the results obtained from the WASPAS method, it was found that the renewable energy resources suitable for investment in India are hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass and solar energy respectively.


Main Subjects

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