Feasibility studies on techno-econo-enviro-energy and sensitivity analysis of renewable energy-based systems
Population growth and industrial progress in many developing countries have led to a continuous increase in energy consumption. Projections indicate that global demand for primary energy is likely to increase by 37% by 2040. The destructive effects of fossil fuels on the environment and concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, global climate change, and the desire to find alternative and sustainable energy sources and create potential job opportunities for future generations have led to a growing tendency to use renewable energy. The most important renewable energy sources are solar, geothermal, biomass, landfills, wind, wave, and hydropower, and shortly, with the advancement of energy storage technology, traditional energy sources seem to be replaced by renewable energy sources.
A renewable energy feasibility study will help to ascertain exactly which current funding options you might be able to take advantage of and with which technologies. It also takes into account how much each tech costs and the likely payback time for the investment.
This Special Issue (SI) examines the main capabilities of the most common software packages for feasibility studies for renewable energy facilities. Details of the models used in these tools to display loads, resources, generators, and dispatch strategies, a summary of the methods used to obtain the cost of a project life cycle, and the description of the methods for estimating the emission reduction (GHG) are among the items covered in this SI. We invite researchers and practitioners to submit original research and critical survey manuscripts that propose feasibility approaches on the following potential topics and their applications, but are not limited to:
- Air source heat pump
- Ground source heat pump
- Biomass generator
- Hydropower
- CHP (combined heat and power)
- PV/T systems
- Solar PV
- Solar thermal
- Geothermal
- Wind turbine
- Fuel cell technologies
- Wave energy
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission will start on: 01 July 2021
Full Paper Submission will close on: 31 December 2021