S. Yerel Kandemir; M. Ozgur Yayli; Emin Acikkalp
Renewable energy is one of the sustainable energy sources, the use of which has increased considerably in recent years. Today, wind energy is an essential renewable energy source that does not have a depletion problem. In this study, electricity generation from wind energy and installed power capacity ...
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Renewable energy is one of the sustainable energy sources, the use of which has increased considerably in recent years. Today, wind energy is an essential renewable energy source that does not have a depletion problem. In this study, electricity generation from wind energy and installed power capacity in Turkey were examined. First, the data set of electrical energy production (GWh) and installed power capacity (MW) between 2010 and 2019 was used. Then, electrical energy generation and installed power capacity were evaluated with trend analysis. Three different models were used in trend analysis, and the results obtained from these models were evaluated with MAPE, MAD, and MSD. Finally, the most suitable models for electric power generation and installed power capacity were determined by evaluating the results.
W. Rahimy; Gh. J. Laame; E. Acikkalp; S. Yerel Kandemir
Due to the increasing population growth and energy need, interest in renewable energy sources has increased in recent years. Biogas is one of the sustainable energy resources in the world. In cattle, ovine, and poultry farming, a large amount of fertilizer is produced in Afghanistan. These wastes are ...
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Due to the increasing population growth and energy need, interest in renewable energy sources has increased in recent years. Biogas is one of the sustainable energy resources in the world. In cattle, ovine, and poultry farming, a large amount of fertilizer is produced in Afghanistan. These wastes are a big problem for businesses, and their evaluation is of great importance. One of the ways to utilize wastes is biogas production. In this study, the annual biogas and total annual heat value potential of Afghanistan, depending on the number of animals, were determined. As a result, Afghanistan's biogas potential between 2010 and 2017 is between 1172355870 m3/y and 1282692614 m3/y. It has been determined that the total annual heat value potential is between 29117122340 MJ / y and 26612478246 MJ /y. As a result, it was seen in this study that the widespread use of biogas in Afghanistan is of great importance in terms of both waste disposal and energy production
G. Jafar Laame; W. Rahimy; S. Yerel Kandemir; E. Acikkalp
Energy is an essential need for living, and renewable energy sources are increasingly popular sustainable energy sources. Solar energy is an inexhaustible and clean, sustainable energy source in the world. In this study, heating of a greenhouse in Herat (Afghanistan) with a heat pump using solar energy ...
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Energy is an essential need for living, and renewable energy sources are increasingly popular sustainable energy sources. Solar energy is an inexhaustible and clean, sustainable energy source in the world. In this study, heating of a greenhouse in Herat (Afghanistan) with a heat pump using solar energy was investigated. The greenhouse was kept at 20 oC, and the electricity required to operate the heat pump was taken from the grid. As a result of the analysis, the exergy/electricity input reaches 25.59 kWh, while the minimum values are equal to 0.01 kWh. It was determined that the product exergy went maximum product exergy of 6.38 kWh. Finally, it was determined that a ground source heat pump with a higher COP could be used instead of an air source heat pump.