A. Abazari; M.M. Aziminia
Flap-type wave energy converter is one of the oscillating surge devices for generating electricity from the ocean wave source. It comprises a vertical plate pivoted on a hinged base that oscillates rotationally due to the exciting wave. Splitting a single flap into two separated flaps in a double arrangement ...
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Flap-type wave energy converter is one of the oscillating surge devices for generating electricity from the ocean wave source. It comprises a vertical plate pivoted on a hinged base that oscillates rotationally due to the exciting wave. Splitting a single flap into two separated flaps in a double arrangement may cause different dynamic characteristics. This can improve the output extracted power versus the excitation period. Therefore, this effect is investigated in the present study through a dynamic mathematical model. The hydrodynamic coefficients and exciting torques in the equation are calculated based on the Boundary Element-based software of ANSYS AQWA. In the next step, the rotational displacement is calculated through the frequency domain approach based on the assumption of the regular monochromatic and head-on waves, and consequently, the maximum power is computed regarding the optimum power take-off damping strategy. Finally, in the same procedure as the single flap, the output power for the double arrangement is derived. The results show that decreasing the natural period for each flap can potentially cause a wideband response of the total power for the double configuration compared to the single one.
Tide, Wave and Hydro Power
A. Abazari
The combination of offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters has recently been the focus of researchers. Many types of converters have been installed on the offshore platform in the design step, and the performance of these hybrid systems has been investigated. The oscillating water column converter ...
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The combination of offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters has recently been the focus of researchers. Many types of converters have been installed on the offshore platform in the design step, and the performance of these hybrid systems has been investigated. The oscillating water column converter is one of the most favorite and commercialized systems due to its efficiency and low maintenance cost. In the present study, a new design including the array of the oscillating water column in a circular arrangement around the spar-type platform is considered. The coupled governing equations are solved based on the simplified analytical approach through frequency domain analysis. The results show that the increase in the number of energy converters increases the total generated power, and consequently, the converters capture the vibrational energy of the spar platform. Therefore, the dynamic response of the spar decreases in the case with an array of energy converters which is one of the main objects of this hybrid system.