Geothermal Energy Systems
Hiba Mudhafar Hashim; Firas Abed
Geothermal energy is one of the important sources of renewable energy, so researchers are greatly interested in this type of energy. One of the advantages of this type of energy is its use to heat or cool buildings because the ground temperature is fairly constant throughout the year. The research focuses ...
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Geothermal energy is one of the important sources of renewable energy, so researchers are greatly interested in this type of energy. One of the advantages of this type of energy is its use to heat or cool buildings because the ground temperature is fairly constant throughout the year. The research focuses on understanding how soil depth affects the temperature difference, the rate of heat transfer, and the overall performance of the system in Baghdad, Iraq, throughout the year by conducting a mathematical test for the ground heat exchanger and determining the number of appropriate requirements during the study to reach an equation that simulates the distribution of temperatures at depth and time. The software package (CFD ANSYS FLUENT) version 17 was used for numerical analysis. The results showed that the heat transfer rate from air to soil for cooling purposes reached its highest value of -1375 watts during July at a depth of 6 m. As for heating purposes, the maximum value during January reached 579 watts at a depth of 10 m and 499 watts at a depth of 6m. Earth air heat exchanger effectiveness was highest possible at depths of 4 and 5 m, ranging from 0.9 to 0.92 over the year. The highest value of 0.98 for the exchanger effectiveness appeared during March. The results showed good agreement between the mathematical and numerical analysis and comparison with other studies, as the percentage of deviation ranged from 1.7% to 3.6% for depths from 1 m to 10 m.
Electricity Generation by Green Energy Sources
Reza Alayi; Salam ollah Mohammadi-Aylar
Today, policymakers are aware of the substantial advantages of renewable energies. From the point of view of national and regional decision-makers, the first priority of preparing a com-prehensive energy plan and the second priority of determining the share of renewable energy in the total energy production ...
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Today, policymakers are aware of the substantial advantages of renewable energies. From the point of view of national and regional decision-makers, the first priority of preparing a com-prehensive energy plan and the second priority of determining the share of renewable energy in the total energy production basket of the country is an essential step in the energy policy pro-cess. In choosing from various renewable energy options, environmental dimensions are com-bined with economic, technical, and social criteria, which shows the need to combine these crite-ria, the multi-criteria of the governing decision-making space, and policy-making. Multi-criteria decision-making techniques can play an important role in choosing the best solution and option. The statistical population of this study is eight cities in the case study. The renewable energy sources studied include wind, solar, water, geothermal, and biomass. First, the potential of re-newable energy for the study areas was identified. Then the two main criteria of sustainable de-velopment: economic criteria with 5 sub-criteria and environmental criteria with 3 sub-criteria were analyzed. Finally, using the Economic Analytic Network Process (ANP) sub criterion, the environmental sub-criterion of each of the weighted renewable energies was allocated. One of the essential results of this research is the income of 72868.8 $ from solar power in Ardabil. The cost of energy is $ 2.72 kWh. The lowest cost per unit of energy produced is related to Khalkhal geothermal energy at $ 0.144.
Ruben Felix; Leonidas Sayas
Plenty of works have treated the system expansion planning problem in the presence of intermittent renewable energy resources like solar. However, most of those proposals have been approached from scenarios of plenty of data, which is not the rule in developing countries, where principal investment actors ...
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Plenty of works have treated the system expansion planning problem in the presence of intermittent renewable energy resources like solar. However, most of those proposals have been approached from scenarios of plenty of data, which is not the rule in developing countries, where principal investment actors have recently switched their focus. In contrast of operation problems where existing literature can be successfully applied since it requires short-term historical time-series gathered from the same studied plants, proposals for planning problems are almost impossible to apply because of a lack of information and measurement about renewable resources in places where no renewable plants have been previously installed. In order to fill this information gap, this paper presents a novel methodology to synthesize solar production time-series on an hourly time scale, taking as inputs aggregate data such as monthly average, maximum or minimum values of basic parameters like global horizontal insolation, air temperature, and surface albedo. The methodology comprises five steps, from data gathering to calculating electrical power produced by a solar photovoltaic system. Three application tests are performed for different places in Chile, Slovakia, and Peru to validate the proposed methodology. The results show that the methodology successfully synthesizes time-series of output power, correctly replicates typical solar resource behavior, and slightly underestimates the produced solar energy, having a discrepancy of 2.4% in the yearly total.
Amin Baghani
In recent years, the growing demand for energy and environmental requirements has focused much attention on solar energy as a renewable source. The building rooftops are the most suitable places for installing photovoltaic panels in urban and rural areas. In large districts, accurate estimation of radiation ...
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In recent years, the growing demand for energy and environmental requirements has focused much attention on solar energy as a renewable source. The building rooftops are the most suitable places for installing photovoltaic panels in urban and rural areas. In large districts, accurate estimation of radiation received by the rooftops requires the existence of detailed 3D information about them. This research aims to provide an efficient method to estimate solar energy production potential from the rooftops using the UAV photogrammetry method and GIS. The proposed method considers both the factors of the geometric features of the rooftops (slope and azimuth) and the shadow of the adjacent features. A threshold for minimum separated suitable rooftops for installing photovoltaic panels received radiation and rooftop area. Converting received radiation into electrical energy was made based on the average level of current world technology for solar panels. Providing a comparison between the amount of electricity produced during the four seasons and throughout the year as an effective parameter related to the consumption pattern is another achievement of this research. The findings of this research can be used in various fields, such as electricity and the construction industry, as well as macro planning, to benefit from clean energy. The results of implementing the proposed method for a rural area showed that out of a total of 543 existing roofs, 422 roofs are suitable for installing solar panels. Also, for these rooftops, the potential to produce 5741 MWh of electricity will be available in one year.
Odai Mowafaq Fandi; Sharul Sham Dol; Mohammed Alavi
Renewable energy and energy sustainability are vital in meeting the exponential growth of energy demand due to increasing population and industrial needs. However, the renewable energy source unpredictability is still a concern for continuous energy supplies. United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been investing ...
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Renewable energy and energy sustainability are vital in meeting the exponential growth of energy demand due to increasing population and industrial needs. However, the renewable energy source unpredictability is still a concern for continuous energy supplies. United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been investing in renewable energy technologies over the years particularly in solar, nuclear, wind, waste to energy and hydropower. However, this seems insufficient still and the shortage of fossil fuels has triggered an alarming energy discussion. Therefore, this work aims at looking for tidal energy feasibility in the UAE apart from reviewing the shortcomings of the existing renewable energy sources in the country. Tidal energy is new but is highly predictable and if applied properly, it could add to the sustainable solutions. Based on the preliminary study, tidal lagoons with the area of 102 km2 integrated with double cycle reversible turbines can be installed at the Saqar Port in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. The location has an average of 1.6 m head difference is sufficient to meet 1% of the total UAE’s energy demand.
Energy Policy
M. Shiri Dezaki; Z. Zandian Sefiddashti; M. Jahangiri; A. Haghani; A. Tahmasebi
The outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in late 2019 and its eventual transformation into a global pandemic caused a shock wave across countries. The renewable energy (RE) sector, which has always been one of the leading areas for promoting environmental sustainability, has not been spared from ...
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The outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in late 2019 and its eventual transformation into a global pandemic caused a shock wave across countries. The renewable energy (RE) sector, which has always been one of the leading areas for promoting environmental sustainability, has not been spared from the epidemic. The integration of the effects of the epidemic on the global economy and the fluctuation of oil prices due to global quarantines around the world increased the impact of this disease on the RE industry. Although the COVID-19 crisis has had a negative effect on efforts to develop RE, analysts believe that in the future, more of the world's energy needs will come from RE sources. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has claimed that RE consumption is likely to increase because people tend to have clean and sustainable energy sources such as wind, water, and solar energy more than before. In the present work, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on environmental changes, energy consumption, the need to use RE, investments made in the field of RE, and the well-being of the people of the world are examined and details and results will be discussed. The main aim of the present work is to review the studies of researchers on the impact of COVID-19 disease on the environment and RE.
Electricity Generation by Green Energy Sources
P. Rajendra Jagadale; A. Bhimji Choudhari; S. Sanjay Jadhav
During past decades, increasing energy demand across the world fueled energy production significantly, which lead to environmental impacts such as Global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, it also endangered the Species. Hence, the whole world started shifting towards green energy generation, eliminating ...
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During past decades, increasing energy demand across the world fueled energy production significantly, which lead to environmental impacts such as Global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, it also endangered the Species. Hence, the whole world started shifting towards green energy generation, eliminating all the negative Impacts on the environment. Solar power is the most efficient source of energy among other renewable energy sources. This article analyzes the simulated performance of a 250 kWp grid-connected Si-poly photovoltaic Plant. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance and feasibility of a Solar PV plant for Pune, India Location. Each Module has a rating of 310 Wp are connected in 65 strings with 12 panels per string. 42 String Inverters are utilized. The simulation is carried out in PVsyst 7.2 software and Meteonorm8.0 data is used. The simulation is carried out to get maximum energy production, this experiment was performed in 2 phases, one with a fixed angle throughout the year and another by adjusting the tilt angle for every month. Multiple trials were conducted to get the best angle for maximum production of electricity. And compared their parameters such as incident radiation, Performance ratio, Energy into the grid, energy output at array and losses. The optimum angles were chosen based on input Energy at the grid.
S. Yerel Kandemir; M. Ozgur Yayli; Emin Acikkalp
Renewable energy is one of the sustainable energy sources, the use of which has increased considerably in recent years. Today, wind energy is an essential renewable energy source that does not have a depletion problem. In this study, electricity generation from wind energy and installed power capacity ...
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Renewable energy is one of the sustainable energy sources, the use of which has increased considerably in recent years. Today, wind energy is an essential renewable energy source that does not have a depletion problem. In this study, electricity generation from wind energy and installed power capacity in Turkey were examined. First, the data set of electrical energy production (GWh) and installed power capacity (MW) between 2010 and 2019 was used. Then, electrical energy generation and installed power capacity were evaluated with trend analysis. Three different models were used in trend analysis, and the results obtained from these models were evaluated with MAPE, MAD, and MSD. Finally, the most suitable models for electric power generation and installed power capacity were determined by evaluating the results.
S.Ollah Mohammadi-Aylar; M. Almassi; H. Bakhoda
Due to the needs of modern societies to provide their energy fully or partially from the renewable energy sources and its necessity as a main principle of sustainable development, its necessary to assess and evaluate renewable energy and its integrating for utilizing a part of consumed energy for societies ...
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Due to the needs of modern societies to provide their energy fully or partially from the renewable energy sources and its necessity as a main principle of sustainable development, its necessary to assess and evaluate renewable energy and its integrating for utilizing a part of consumed energy for societies from cheap energy resource and solving the ecological and social problems. Despite of great potentials of Ardabil province in agriculture, water streams, climatic precipitation and climatic conditions, the necessity of appropriate investments in order to better exploitation form these capabilities (renewable energy) increases. The goal of this research is to potentiometry for the exploitation of renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass and bio-energy, water) based on farming, improvement of policy making for developing renewable energies, developing atlas of renewable energies based on farming and improving policy making of developing renewable energies in Ardabil province. According to the results of this study, the most talented town of Ardabil province in terms of renewable energy is Meshgin shahr town. Solar energy 3/449 kW h/m2/y, hydropower 270/34 Gw h/y and geothermal 76/11kw h/y ranked the first among all the cities of Ardabil province. And the lowest was Sarein city.
W. Rahimy; Gh. J. Laame; E. Acikkalp; S. Yerel Kandemir
Due to the increasing population growth and energy need, interest in renewable energy sources has increased in recent years. Biogas is one of the sustainable energy resources in the world. In cattle, ovine, and poultry farming, a large amount of fertilizer is produced in Afghanistan. These wastes are ...
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Due to the increasing population growth and energy need, interest in renewable energy sources has increased in recent years. Biogas is one of the sustainable energy resources in the world. In cattle, ovine, and poultry farming, a large amount of fertilizer is produced in Afghanistan. These wastes are a big problem for businesses, and their evaluation is of great importance. One of the ways to utilize wastes is biogas production. In this study, the annual biogas and total annual heat value potential of Afghanistan, depending on the number of animals, were determined. As a result, Afghanistan's biogas potential between 2010 and 2017 is between 1172355870 m3/y and 1282692614 m3/y. It has been determined that the total annual heat value potential is between 29117122340 MJ / y and 26612478246 MJ /y. As a result, it was seen in this study that the widespread use of biogas in Afghanistan is of great importance in terms of both waste disposal and energy production
H. Alm ElDin Mohamad; E. Medhat; ElSamadony M.; R. Mohamed; M. Muthu
Due to traditional energy resources problems, scientists looked for a new concept to face these problems. The Solar chimney is one of the promising concepts in renewable energy technology that needs performance enhancement, the proposed study aims at assessing the remarkable advances in the understanding ...
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Due to traditional energy resources problems, scientists looked for a new concept to face these problems. The Solar chimney is one of the promising concepts in renewable energy technology that needs performance enhancement, the proposed study aims at assessing the remarkable advances in the understanding of solar chimney power plant (SCPP) performance investigation through extensive studies with different focuses on several aspects of SCPP technology. In this scientific review paper solar chimneys based on the historical review, enhancements, working principle, components and effective factors, advantages and disadvantages.
R. Alayi; F. Jahanbin
The purpose of this research is to supply the electricity required by renewable energies used by the photovoltaic cell, in this regard, have been using the type of crystal silicon photovoltaic cells. The used software with this regard is Homer. Homer is capable of simulating renewable energies to monitor ...
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The purpose of this research is to supply the electricity required by renewable energies used by the photovoltaic cell, in this regard, have been using the type of crystal silicon photovoltaic cells. The used software with this regard is Homer. Homer is capable of simulating renewable energies to monitor demand for loads. Electricity is generated by the Pv cell, but the energy produced in DC. While the energy required is alternating after the voltage converter is used for conversion. The storage will be used at times when there is no electricity produced by the PV cell or the production of electricity is higher than the demand, in this study the battery is considered a storage unit. The important results of this study can be attributed to the production of 15339 kW electricity by the Pv cell.
Photovoltaic Systems
M. Lak Kamari; H. Isvand; M. Alhuyi Nazari
Renewable energies are noticeably developing due to their various advantages such as low greenhouse gases emission, availability and their reducing cost trend. In order to achieve the favorable objectives in energy projects, it is crucial to consider all the related parameters affecting the decision ...
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Renewable energies are noticeably developing due to their various advantages such as low greenhouse gases emission, availability and their reducing cost trend. In order to achieve the favorable objectives in energy projects, it is crucial to consider all the related parameters affecting the decision making. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are reliable and efficient tool for policy making and achieving the most appropriate solution. These approaches consider the influential factors and their relative importance in prioritizing the alternatives. Since the outcome of the MCDM approaches depend on the employed algorithm and the used criteria, this article focuses on the studies related to the applications of these methods in renewable energy technology selection. The aim of the present paper is extracting the criteria which are necessary to be used in decision making for renewable energy systems. In addition, the approaches employed for improving the performance of MCDM methods as decision making aids are represented. According to this review study, technical, economic and environmental criteria are utilized in the majority of decision making researches. Moreover, some of the studies have considered other criteria such as social and risk to achieve more reliable decision. Some ideas are represented in the reviewed researches such as integrating different methods and using fuzzy sets, instead of crisp sets, to improve the performance of the MCDM methods and reduce the uncertainties.